Peter Baker Transport Online Tracking

Peter Baker Transport (PBT) is a unique freight transportation provider in New Zealand. It serves its vast clientele with fast, expedient, and easy services for small, medium, and bulk transportation of items. Established in this business from 1972, it has multiple units of services like PBT transport, courier, and bulk transportation of items. Besides all such services, it also gives storage and distribution services for its clients. It has set up 27 branches throughout New Zealand. Moving around thirteen million items in a year, it gives dedicated service to its umpteen clients from Kaitala to Bluff.

Peter Baker Transport Company

PBT Services

Let’s know more about its core business services, which are chiefly available in three parts. The services, as enumerated, come in the following categories;

PBT Transport

The main business of this transportation service is available on road. For this, it has engaged an impressive fleet of 70 trucks, which are B-train line-haul trucks, moving between its 27 branches and depots. Apart from service through trucks, it also extends services through rail and sea transportation. It could provide tailor-made solutions that would perfectly match with their deadlines and type of freight. It has set up advanced electronic data interchange (EDI) and freight management systems to help its clients to stay informed and achieve highest performance in business. By this, its clients are now able to save money and time in their business and improve standards of performance in business.

PBT Courier Services

Other than transportation by road, moving parcels, documents, and packages are also its next important venture. It sends couriers and parcels, making use of smart technology.  For this, it has come up with a key technology, called “Signature Direct”. This is the technology that records “electronic signature” of clients in a machine at the time of making deliveries.

PBT bulk Courier services

As business houses need bulk movement of couriers, parcels, and documents, and cargoes, PBT has stayed equally innovative in its services for bulk courier services. Engaging huge containers for this sort of services, it makes the deliveries of bulk items at every important center of business.

PBT Customer care

As a company with most advanced systems in communication, it has enabled every facility online for its clientele. The clients could log on to its official website and avail all the information and service from its customer care on the right side of this web-page.  The services for tracking, availability of statements for invoices, and personal logins are available on this web-page.

How Peter Baker Transport tracking works?

The facility of tracking is available below on Top Right Hand Side and the clients could enter “reference number, ticket, and note number”  in the box and click on “GO” button next to get the latest status of their consignments in transit.

Track from registered account

The clients could register their details in separate accounts in its website and track as and when they want.